Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Diabetes~Trying to Suck the Fun Out of Everything

Every year at Christmas DJ and I do quite a bit of baking. We have a few favorites and this year we've decided to make Russian Tea Cakes, Candy Cane Cookies, Peanut Butter Balls (haha. you said balls), Pumpkin Bars and I'm going to try to squeeze some sugar cookies in there too. We have already made the tea cakes and started on the balls (i'm so immature) and have taste tested, maybe a little more than necessary. We're gonna need more tea cakes if we hope to share with our friends.

We are not a family that is full of traditions so this one is pretty important to me and both DJ & I enjoy it a great deal. The baking really is as fun as the eating. Thanks to diabetes I used to dread the eating. Not the actual eating, but the trying to figure out how many carbs are in each treat. What you're supposed to do is figure out all the carbs in each ingredient, add all the carbs together and divide by the number of servings in the recipe. What a pain in the arse and what usually ends up happening is guessing at the number of carbs and ending up with extreme highs or lows. Well. No more!

When I'm looking for new recipes I usually go to allrecipes. Towards the middle of the page you can see the nutrition information. If you click on the + sign you can see how many carbs are in each serving as well as a plethora of other information. This looks like the same tea cake recipe we use, you should give it a shot.

If you already have a recipe you enjoy you can to go to websites like this one or this one and enter your recipe information and, wa-la, it does the math for you. I've mentioned before what a math nightmare diabetes can be. I'm pretty sure these tools were developed just for me and I'm happy to share with you. My nearest and dearest friends. Consider it a Christmas gift from me to you.

***Disclaimer: The gingerbread village above came to us in a box. Nutrition information was available on the label. 32g of treat = 18g of carbs