Monday, April 11, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 9)

A favorite picture of your best friend

Okay, this is a tough one because I have a few very close, I would even say best, friends. No surprise who this blog is about though.

My oldest and dearest friend. A and I met when she was in 1st grade and I was in 2nd grade. Our parents managed apartments together (hers was the manager, mine was the assistant). We were both in trouble for two totally unrelated offenses (I can't remember what mine was for and I will let her tell you what hers was for) and were forced to sit together on her front porch step while our dads groomed the grounds of the apartments. I will tell you, we hated each other. Oh Lord how I couldn't believe this cruel punishment of sitting next to this smart ass little know it all was not child abuse. I, of course, was an angel and she was lucky to be in such fabulous company. Ask her, she would agree! Tell you what, I'll ask her for you and let you know what she says.

Through the years our parents kept in touch, so of course we kept in touch. I'm happy to say that A and I warmed up to each other quite nicely. I think we even complimented each other. A was (and is) very outgoing and outspoken. I was more quiet and shy, at least until you got to know me. We were both little shits! A and I moved away from each other but spent plenty of time together, especially in the summer when we would spend alternating weeks (that's right, full weeks-our mothers were saints, I'm sure of it) at each others homes. There was much fun and laughter-which often landed us in bed early-and plenty of arguing, which also usually landed us in bed early. I remember going to bed before the sun went down many a night, oh, and lots of threats of "ass beatings".

A and I are going on (almost) 30 years of friendship. We have been through marriage, divorce (me), new life, loss of loved ones and too many memories to count. A is my family, her family is my family. Her sister is my sister. Her mother is my second mother. When her dad died I felt like it was my dad. When my dad died about a year later she knew exactly what I was going through.

As a single parent I carry the burden of the household responsibilities, which I rather enjoy most of the time, but when I need back-up, someone to vent to, bounce ideas off of, if I have a success and want to brag or need emotional support... A is my girl. She was the first person I called when DJ was diagnosed with diabetes (she beat us to the hospital) and recently she was the first person I called when we had to back to the hospital at 5:30 a.m. on Superbowl Sunday. I'm sure she broke every driving law on her way to meet us at the hospital again, hitting Starbucks in route, of course. I have said it so many times to many people, but I'm not sure I've ever said it to her: A is my biggest chearleader, my biggest fan, the believer that I can do anything and that I always deserve whatever blessings come my way. She helps me to believe in myself.

Honestly, I feel like I've gotten the better end of this friendhsip deal. A is a wonderful wife, mother, friend and example. I often think I wish I were as kind and loving as A. I can't even put into words what this friendship has done for me and how she has inspired me to do things I might have been afraid to otherwise. I hope I can make A feel half as special as she makes me feel.

Love you A, and I appreciate you more than you know.

1 comment:

  1. Rose that is so sweet. I have a few friends since I was 4 or 5 that I see and talk too regularly and some I have came back into contact with through FB so I can relate. It is a cherished thing to have.
