Saturday, August 6, 2011

How I embarrassed my daughter at camp...

Every year DJ goes to diabetes camp and every year they have a little awards ceremony at the end for the parents and campers. Each kid gets a certificate with some cute title; this year DJ got "Social Butterfly".

After hitting Starbucks at about 9:30 a.m. yesterday I headed out to Gales Creek Camp to pick up my monster and see her get her award. When I got there all the parents, campers and counselors were crowded around and the awards had already begun. It was 10:20 a.m. and I SWORE awards were supposed to start at 10:30 a.m. so I found the schedule and sure enough, I was right. I absolutely detest being late, but at least I could see DJ get her award. I found DJ and asked if she got hers yet, she nodded yes and gave me a look somewhere between disappointment and pisstivity. I swear I almost cried. I. WAS. PISSED. I hunted down the person in charge and was thisclose to snapping on her. I pulled her aside and said, "I'm really disappointed the awards started early". She asked if I missed DJ's award and when I told her yes, with a tear in my eye, she said, "Okay, we'll do it again". I let her know DJ probably would not appreciate that but she figured DJ would get over it and that I deserved a photo opp. She walks over to DJ and takes her award and DJ was so confused. The look on her face was hillarious. Anyway, they called DJ up and gave her the award along with the explanation for it, for the second time and I know she wanted to crawl under those bleachers. As she walked back to her seat I saw her mouth the words "MY MOTHER" to her friends and I was happy I had my pictures.

After I picked her up from camp we took a last minute trip to Tillamook and Neskowin. On the way to the beach DJ's pump ran out of insulin so she ate and played like a kid that doesn't have diabetes. By the time she got home to test she was over 500 and drinking water & peeing like she was newly diagnosed. Not to mention that hellacious attitude she gets when she's high. It was worth it to have the day we had and after a few hours of testing and administering insulin she was back to normal. We had so much fun, but I must confess, the fact that she wasn't getting insulin nagged me the whole trip.

I look forward to the day when diabetes is a memory and doesn't occupy my every other thought.

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