Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is there a cure???

When DJ was diagnosed with diabetes I spent a LONG time beating myself up, wondering what I did to make this happen and how I could have prevented it. The truth is, nothing can stop type 1 diabetes from happening. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. While its causes are not yet entirely understood, scientists believe that both genetic factors and environmental triggers are involved (from JDRF website).

I know people are generally well meaning, but I gotta be honest. I have spent six years taking care of a child that has type 1 diabetes. I'm pretty well versed in the do's and the don'ts of it. If people don't understand the "rules" around diabetes and want to be educated, I'm the first person to step up and share whatever information I have. I absolutely cannot stand for people to make assumptions that what I'm doing for her is "wrong" or "unhealthy". The fact of the matter is, we all should limit our sugar and unhealthy carb and fat intake but we all (most of us) indulge, sometimes more than we should. As long as DJ's doctors are okay with what she consumes... so am I.

As for a cure for diabetes, type 2 can often be controlled or even stopped with proper diet and exercise (but not always). There is absolutely no cure for type 1 diabetes... YET. I'm not going to read any books on natural cures or put DJ on a special diet. I just won't do it. Imagine being 12 years old and being different than most of the kids you know, the suddenly you're forced into this crazy strict diet and exercise routine (more crazy than what it already is with having diabetes)... and the kicker is it wouldn't get rid of diabetes anyway. It might make diabetes easier to manage, but that's our burden to carry, as the parent. Finding a balance between a normal life and managing diabetes is my reality, all day every day.

I think I'm done with my rant. I do appreciate people's care and concern. Also, I do recognize, as I said before, that most people are trying to be helpful. As the parent of a child with a medical condition it does often feel like people are being insensitive to what we must be going through, as though we wouldn't have already thought to look for a "cure" or ways to make this contition easier to live with.

When I started this post I was really kind of mad. Now I just feel the need to throw my hands up, shake my head and say, please try to think about what life must be like for us. This has been a really bad diabetes week for us and our friends with diabetes-crazy coincidence-and we are all just trying to get through it together.

Thank you to those friends and acquaintances that have made the effort, have asked questions and have educated themselves.

If you're not with us, then get to steppin'. 'Cause we don't need you bringing us down.

1 comment:

  1. Denise (Luv'in My Type 1 diabetic Daughter)July 14, 2011 at 8:15 AM

    Its amazing how much you and I think alike!! Woman you get them right on the West Coast and i'll straighten them out here on the East Coast. I THANK GOD everyday for putting you in my life. So many people THINK they know about Type 1 diabetes when the reality is they DON'T.... I know many times people say things just out of "concern", but they need to ask questions before stating STUPID opinions... We live with this condition EVERY SINGLE DAY OF OUR LIVES so WE KNOW what is or isn't good for our children!! If DJ wants to drink soda, DAM IT LET HER DRINK SODA!! Hello people it WON'T kill her!! That's why she has this wonderful thing called INSULIN! Rose my FRIEND you are AWESOME!! From one Type 1 diabetic momma to another WE WILL FIGHT AND WE WILL WIN!!! Luv Ya!!
