Friday, March 4, 2011

And the award goes to...

There are after school activities for the middle school kids at one of the churches in our area. The church van picks kids up at the school and parents are responsible for getting the kids home after. Two weeks ago DJ wanted to go and I told her if she could find a ride she could go, she then told me there's a bus that takes kids home. I didn't question her because, after all, MY baby is a pretty good girl.

Yesterday morning I asked DJ if she was going to the church after school. She said, "I don't have a ride". I reminded her that she had told me about a bus that could bring her home, to which she replied, "Oh. Yeah. I'm gonna go". Hmmmm... sounds fishy to me.

I forgot all about the incident until later in the afternoon so I called the church to verify that there is a ride home for the kids after the festivities and the church secretary told me that parents are responsible for getting their kids home. I. Was. Pissed. I can't even tell you how pissed I was.

I immediately called and cancelled the cable (we've only kept it this long so DJ could watch the NBA games) and created a mental list of plans we were going to cancel and priveleges DJ was going to lose, no matter how inconvenient for me. I just spent money on Blazer tickets to make up for a game that we missed (my fault) and was trying to figure out whether to sell them or give them away. Seriously. Pissed.

I called the school and left a message for DJ to go home and not to the church; she can praise the Lord at home where I can supervise the little liar. I get home and DJ is sitting on the couch, "Hi Mommy".

Me: DJ, how did you get home from the church last time you went?
DJ: I took the bus.
Me: You're lying to me.
DJ: No, I'm not lying.
Me: Really? Well, I called the church and they told me there is no bus to bring people home.
DJ: Well, it's a van...
Me: Let's go to the church and talk to them.
DJ: Ummm... Okay.

We drive to the church and one of the guys that works with the program is outside. I introduced myself and asked him the question of the hour and he replied, "Yes". How stupid do I feel!? I told him about my conversation and that DJ was thisclose to losing everything important to her, he apologized and DJ and I moved on about our business.

We get in the car and:

Me: I'm sorry D.
DJ: It's okay, Mom.
Me: No, I'm sorry for what I've done.
DJ: What did you do?
Me: I cancelled the cable!

Once again... mother of the year right here people!

1 comment:

  1. I love this and I could listen to you tell it over and over,lol.
