Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Things to avoid...

when your tailbone is injured.

This post is about things you shouldn't do or wish you didn't have to do when your tailbone is "possibly fractured".

Tripping (on saaaay... a phone chord)
Sitting (in a car, at a computer, a couch, the floor, etc)
Laying down
Laughing too hard
Walking up hill
Walking down hill
Pooping (yes, I said it)!!!
Bending over
Getting up in a hurry (the simple act of going from the sitting position to the standing position is pain filled)
Sitting down too quickly (see above, same goes here)
Playing with your dogs
Rough housing with your kids
Walking too long (although you don't want to avoid exercise all together)
Putting on your shoes
Putting on your socks
Tying your shoes

That's all I have for now... we're only a couple of days into this thing that can last "several months" though. No need to update you all, I think you have the general idea.

Tonight I'm going to skip the exercise, heat/ice/heat/ice the back side, take a pain pill and hit the hay early.


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