Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Common Sense

Common Sense ~ Every day I am reminded... is not so common!

com.mon; adjective

1. belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in question: common property; common interests.
2. pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation, or culture; public: a common language or history; a common water supply system.
3. joint; united: a common defense.
4. widespread; general; ordinary: common knowledge.
5. of frequent occurance; usual; familiar: a common event; a common mistake.

sense; noun

1. any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body.
2. these faculties collectively.
3. their operation or function; sensation.
4. a feeling or perception produced through the organs of touch, taste, ets., or resulting from a particular condition of some part of the body: to have a sense of cold.
5. a faculty or function of the mind analogous to sensation: the moral sense.

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