Friday, August 12, 2011

Give Diabetes the Finger

Who remembers Super Bowl Sunday 2011??? I do! Not because of the commercials and certainly not because of the game; only because that's the morning I had to call 911 at 5:00 a.m. because DJ had gone into a severe hypo-glycemic episode while she was sleeping and I couldn't wake her or get her to respond. For those who wish to read about that episode, the link is here:

DJ deals with hypo-glycemia usually on a weekly basis. It makes her uncomfortable but the fix is easy and it's usually not too big of a deal if we catch it before she gets too low. The episode in February was the worste I have ever seen and it was the second time in three years this has happened to her. (The first time she was at her dads house and it also resulted in an ambulance ride to the hospital). The reality of our situation is that something like this will happen again, unless a cure is found.

Hypo-glycemia is when your blood sugar gets too low (this is below 80 for DJ). Symptoms of hypoglycemia include drowsiness, feeling week, hungry, cold sweats, double vision, fast pounding heart beat, shaking, unclear thinking, the list goes on. DJ has been living like this since she was six years old and I for one think it's about time she's able to stop living like this and start living the life of a "normal" 12-year-old girl!

My dream is for DJ to be able to live a life free of diabetes and the complications that can arise from it. I look forward to the day when DJ can give diabetes the finger!

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