Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge-Day 20 (Nicknames)

Okay, this one is going to open me up for some ridicule, but whatever.

As a child my mom called me Nosey Rosey and my step-dad called me Digger (if you don't know why I'm certainly not going to tell you). My brother had a slew of nicknames for me, I'm sure none are appropriate for sharing and I've mentally blocked most of them anyway...

As a teen my friends called me most derivatives of my name: Rose, Rosey, Rosarita. My friend Jeania called me Rosey-toes which later morphed into just "Toes". I liked that one. <3

As an adult Rosey has stuck, Heidi says it with a little flair: Ro-ceee (Roll the "r" with a hard "c" and draw out the "e"). Then of course there's Mom, Mommy, Mama and Muuutherrrrr!

My brother married a "Rose" so occassional we call ourselves "Rose 1" and "Rose 2". My mother and some family call me Rose Lee.

Oh, don't let me forget-my Baumholder, Germany friends liked "Ghetto Rose". Where do people come up with this suff...? Really!

OH! I almost forgot, my friend Deidre used to call me "Amy" because she said it was the ultimate white girl name. lol

I might have been called the Roadside Hurler at one point... Geez. They're all just coming back to me.

I'm sure I'm missing some. I'm intentionally leaving out anything dubbed during any relationships or friendships that ended badly.

If you think of anything I missed please feel free to add. Good times... Good times...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge - Something You Miss (Day 19)

I'm a little behind in this 30 Day Blog Challenge thing, but hey-it's not like it's my JOB! Also, I get stuck on some of these topics. It's taken me a while to figure out what I miss. My life is pretty dang fantastic, I just don't have much to complain about. Here comes the #1 gripe...

I miss SLEEP! I remember pre-child I had a few obligations, like working and drinking and shopping, and other than that I could sleep whenever I wanted to. I slept good too. Sometimes, I would just think, "I'm tired, I think I'll take a nap". Then I would.

When I found out I was pregnant my biggest fear was lack of sleep. No kidding. I wasn't so worried about labor, or the finacial burden of a child, or even the pesky teenage years. Nope. I knew I was going to be missing out on precious sleep. Once DJ was born I realized that lack of sleep was a temporary thing and I could totally get through these younger years because once she's able to be more self sufficient, sweet relief is mine!

There were a couple of years where I could turn on the tv on and get a little extra shut eye (yes, at times i was that mom) or nap with one eye open. Eventually she could get up and grab a bowl of cereal, turn on the television and hang out until mom woke up (8:00 a.m. is sleeping in you know). Once DJ reached that point I no longer felt sleep deprived. She'd sleep all night, let me get a little extra on the weekends and life was pretty good in that sense.

Then she got diagnosed with diabetes. Seriously? Am I being punked? This is a whole 'nother post, but I probably haven't gotten a whole months worth of good nights sleep in the past 5 1/2 years. No kidding. Because of this, I know I look tired, I know I'm grumpy and I know I need to relax. You really don't have to tell me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Your Favorite Place to Eat

Day 18 People!

Yesterday when I got home and checked the mail I had a nice lil check from Aflac. I fell about a month ago and hurt my tailbone, reported it to Aflac and they kindly sent me a payment for my troubles. I know I've mentioned that the finances are tight, well this was clearly a sign that DJ and I deserved to treat ourselves to dinner. Where did we go? Only our favorite restaurant EVER!

Sushi & Maki is on 182nd in Portland, not far from Clackamas Town Center. DJ and I love us some sushi; we usually make due with Sushiland (which we also love) but nothing compares to our favorite rolls at Sushi & Maki. Sushi & Maki has "state rolls", named after different states, duh... My personal favorite is the Nevada, DJ's fave is the Texas. Add in a little tempura appetizer and some Mochi ice cream for dessert (me green tea & DJ mango) and it was the perfect meal. We were very happy and very satisfied by the time we went home.

I'm one who usually likes to switch it up and try new things when I go out to dinner, I just can't make myself do that at Sushi & Maki. I love what I love and I can't imagine wasting my visit on something I may not love as much as the old favorites.

Add in the fact that our favorite server knows us, she hugs DJ and calls us by name, and I would say it's a 5 star experience every time we go.

Monday, May 2, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 17)

Something you're looking forward to... So many things, how I choose just one...

Given the weather in Oregon lately I'm going to have to go with:

I'm looking forward to the day DJ and I get to take our week long cruise. Plain and simple. I think about it a LOT! We were supposed to go on a cruise this summer but the finances took a temporary nose dive and of course there are the hospital and ambulance bill from February and the camps that she's going to this summer along with the money I've had to put into the car in the last six months... You get the point. Vacation will have to wait. I'm not sorry though, and I'm not sad. I just keep thinking that we will both enjoy it that much more when we do get to go.

Taking a cruise was my idea, there are things for kids and grown-grown ups to do together and separately. DJ and I enjoy each other but we both do better with regular breaks. Spending a week together with no break is probably not the best idea, so going on a vacation that will allow us to do our own thing each day is really for the best. DJ has only one request for this cruise, well two, really. She would like to drink all the soda she wants and she wants to be able to swim with dolphins. I told her yes to both with the understanding that the excursion she's chosen will be likely be spendy so we will spend the rest of our time on shore swimming in the ocean and shopping. We both agree it's a fair compromise.

Well, time to get back to work so I can earn that cruise. If anybody wants to donate to the "Send DJ & Rose on a Cruise Fund" inquire within.