Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge-Day 20 (Nicknames)

Okay, this one is going to open me up for some ridicule, but whatever.

As a child my mom called me Nosey Rosey and my step-dad called me Digger (if you don't know why I'm certainly not going to tell you). My brother had a slew of nicknames for me, I'm sure none are appropriate for sharing and I've mentally blocked most of them anyway...

As a teen my friends called me most derivatives of my name: Rose, Rosey, Rosarita. My friend Jeania called me Rosey-toes which later morphed into just "Toes". I liked that one. <3

As an adult Rosey has stuck, Heidi says it with a little flair: Ro-ceee (Roll the "r" with a hard "c" and draw out the "e"). Then of course there's Mom, Mommy, Mama and Muuutherrrrr!

My brother married a "Rose" so occassional we call ourselves "Rose 1" and "Rose 2". My mother and some family call me Rose Lee.

Oh, don't let me forget-my Baumholder, Germany friends liked "Ghetto Rose". Where do people come up with this suff...? Really!

OH! I almost forgot, my friend Deidre used to call me "Amy" because she said it was the ultimate white girl name. lol

I might have been called the Roadside Hurler at one point... Geez. They're all just coming back to me.

I'm sure I'm missing some. I'm intentionally leaving out anything dubbed during any relationships or friendships that ended badly.

If you think of anything I missed please feel free to add. Good times... Good times...

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