Monday, September 12, 2011

5 Things That Irritate You About the Opposite Sex/Same Sex

Five??? I only get FIVE?

1) I really don't like when two people start dating and one forces the other to change they way they dress. I broke up with someone once because he wore a Kraft Mac 'n Cheese shirt. Every day. I didn't tell him I didn't like, didn't ask him to change it, just said "we need to talk". His response was pretty funny, but since children have access to this blog I will not post it here. I digress, he was one of the nicest, not to mention a hottie, guys I've ever dated but I couldn't do the Kraft dinosaur shirt. On a serious note, for those of you that know me well, you know that if you try to tell me what I can and can't do (wear), I am likely to do the opposite just to prove a point, so I refuse to do it to someone else. Also, I was like 20-years-old. Today it might not bother me quite as much. Or the shirt might disappear. KIDDING!

2) Everybody argues. Everybody has problems. You should NOT broadcast your problems with your significant other to everyone and their mother. We all need to vent; pick a couple of friends and talk to them when you need to. That being said, a friend is not someone who agrees with you about everything and talks shit about your significant other when you happen to be mad. A friend is someone who will listen and let you know not only when you're right but also when you need to stop being a b**** and cut the guy some slack.

3) If you are in your 30's and still single or single again, you are likely going to have friends of the opposite sex. You should not have to disown your friends because you met someone new. It sucks when you see a friend, saaayyy in the grocery store, and they give you the nod and smile because they are with their new girlfriend or boyfriend. This weekend I was at Safeway and saw an old friend and this is exactly what happened. I used to get a hug and an arm around the shoulder and chit-chat about the kids and our parents. My feelings were really hurt, but I get it because I've been there before. In my early 20's!

4) If you say you're going to call me, call me. If you forget, say you forgot.

5) You know how when you first meet someone new and you want to spend all your time with them and talking to them? That's normal. That's great. Know that it will eventually fade and you both must join the rest of us here in the real world. It doesn't mean he/she doesn't "love" you, doesn't mean he/she is mad at you. It means they have a job, kids, friends, a life outside of you!

The list really could go on an on people but I will sign off for today. Have a good one and enjoy the sunshine. The leaves are falling off the trees already, autumn is on it's way.

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