Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm doing it again 30-Day Blog Challenge #2

...no. I didn't finish the last one. I will though, I promise. I have a problem finishing things. According to my therapist it's the fear of commitment thing. Fear of failure. I feel the need to be perfect and I'm so consumed by the fear of not completing something perfectly that I become paralyzed and am unable to complete it at all, therefore creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm awesome, right?

Anyway, this 30-day challenge looks more fun than the last. The real reason I haven't finished the last one though is that I have to put my iPod on shuffle and list what the first 10 songs are. I keep forgetting to do the blog at home and to bring the iPod to work. If I were super motivated I would remember... but it will get done. I also have this little bit of fear that my music might not be "cool enough". Yes, I am that insecure sometimes. As much as I have a fear of messing things up, I also hate loose ends; things left incomplete bug the hell out of me. So rest assured. You will get to find out what's on the ol' iPod.

So. Here it is. The next 30-day challenge:

1. Weird things you do when you’re alone.
2. How have you changed in the past 2 years?
3. What kind of person attracts you.
4. What you wear to bed.
5. 5 things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex.
6. The person you like and why you like them.
7. Your opinion on cheating on people.
8. Something you’re currently worrying about.
9. Your last kiss.
10. Your views on drugs and alcohol.
11. Your currently relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
12. Things you want to say to an ex.
13. A date you would love to go on.
14. Something disgusting you do.
15. The best things to happen to you this week.
16. 3 things you are proud of about your personality.
17. Things that make you scared.
18. Disrespecting parents.
19. Something that never fails to make you feel better.
20. The last argument you had.
21. Something you can’t seem to get over.
22. 10 things about you people don’t really expect.
23. Something you always think “what if…” about
24. Things you want to say to 5 different people.
25. 10 ways to win your heart.
26. Your religious beliefs.
27. Talk about your siblings.
28. The month you were happiest this year why.
29. A picture of yourself.
30. What changed this month and what you hope will happen next month.

Today is officially Day 1 according to: www.30daychallenges.net so I guess I'll be back on later to let you know all the weird stuff I do when I'm alone.

See you soon.


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