Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A letter to DJ.

Dear D.J.

Here you are, 13 years old. I remember when you were born, how you looked just like your daddy and how happy that made me. I remember the first time you stood on your own, you were nine months old and Grandma Vicki turned on Barney for the first time. You were so excited you stood right up and watched the whole show. I remember saying goodbye to you a couple of weeks later, you were staying at dads while I went back to Germany to exit out of the Army. I ended up being gone for three very long months. I remember that you waited for me before you took your first steps. It was your first birthday and I had come home just the day before. I remember your first day of pre-school, kindergarten and middle school. I remember your first plane ride and your first plane ride alone. There are so many memories, mostly good, that I could never list them all.

I am so proud of the person you are, D.J. You are strong willed, independent, witty, cocky and sarcastic. You are also funny, loving, sweet and a defender of the defenseless. D.J. You have a strong work ethic, you make good choices and you even at 13 you have a healthy outlook on life.

I don't know exactly what or who I imagined you to be at this age, but I could have never guessed how wonderful you would be. That I could help to create such a precious being, a person with such a wonderful personality and super cute to boot! I am just amazed by you and there is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for you. Literally, I thank God (out loud) for allowing me to be your mother.

I love you Deej. I hope this birthday is fabulous, amazing and everything you deserve.



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