Thursday, September 8, 2011

What Kind of Person Attracts You

Good question. What kind of person attracts me. This is a good topic, I'll share with you all what attracts me and maybe you can hook a girl up... maybe... er... j/k... kinda... yeah... definitely kidding... (red faced and embarassed)...

First of all, we all know physical attraction is a must. I don't really have a physical "type" but I have to want to show you off to my friends and feel proud to go out in public with you. Does this make me shallow? Yes. Am I okay with that? Yes. I'm not saying you have to look like a Abercrombie model, I'd really rather you didn't. I want to feel good about myself too and who needs that kinda pressure!

***Side note. I dated a guy once who told me he used to date models but he's much happier dating regular chicks like me. Whuuuuh??? I think I just said the same thing. Maybe I shouldn't have cussed him out?

Okay, back on track. Sense of humor. If you can't laugh at yourself, at me or handle me laughing at you, then we will have a problem. I'm FUNNY and if you don't get my sarcastic, witty-if I do say so myself-sense of humor then you are definitely not for me. Must be smart! You cannot be dumb and kick it with me. You have to have common sense and book smarts. I'm not a genius, but I'm also not a dummy. I like to talk about serious subjects too and I like a good debate from time to time.

I think a mans man is sexy. Hunting, fishing, working on the car and fixing things around the house. (I have just described most of my friends husbands and half my male fb friends). I have never actually dated a man like this, but if you have pics like these on fb I have seen them and I have checked them out. They're my porn! Totally kidding! Seriously, I'm totally kidding!)!

Have a backbone. Stand up for yourself and don't let me (or anyone else) walk all over you. Don't take me for granted and don't be afraid to shower me with gifts. Seriously. I'm not talking about big ticket items. Things like flowers just because, a coffee or lunch delivered to work, a book I happened to mention I'd like to read. It really is the little things. A text message to tell me you're thinking about me is nice, oh but don't think you can get away with only communicating through text. You have to make an effort.

You have to get along with my friends. They know me, they love me, they will always be in my life. You don't have to LOVE all of them, but there are a few key people that you should make an effort to bond with. No I'm not going to tell you who they are, that would make things way too easy and not nearly as fun for them! I think they must look at this as some kind of sport, if I were them I would.

If you are a father you should be actively involved in your kids lives (and enjoy it) and if you pay child support you should do so without complaining. They are YOUR kids!

Lastly, I'm obviously not perfect but you should think I'm pretty great. Have you seen Juno? Well, this quote kinda sums it up:

"Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with."

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