Friday, April 15, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 13)


Whew! This could take a while. Sit back, get comfy, and I'll try to keep it short.

My current goal (obsession) is living healthier. A couple of months  ago I finally got so fed up with my clothes "shrinking", I had almost nothing that fit me comfortably, and with being tired all the time. I work at a place where we get tons (literally) of junk food donated annually. Every week we get donations from Whole Foods, Haagen's, Starbucks, Auntie Anne's Pretzels, various catering companies and kind hearted souls in the community that just want to do something for those less fortunate. While the donations are appreciated... they have made my ass really big! My opinion of my physical self, along with the liklihood that I would inherit my families health issues, finally motivated me to start working out and eating better. I have a weight goal that will probably take me a very long time to reach, but I really want to live a healthy lifestyle so I will be patient and continue to work hard. One of my favorite quotes is: When I do good I feel good. When I do bad I feel bad. I'm sure Abraham Lincoln wasn't thinking of four mile walks, Jillian Michaels workout videos and stir fry for lunch when he said it, but it fits just the same.

Something I've been working and will continue to work on: I want to be a good person. I know what it feels like to be treated badly, looked down upon and made to feel less than. I don't want to make anybody feel that way and I want to raise a child that wouldn't want to make anyone feel that way. I am not perfect, but I continue to use kind (honest) words. I try not to react in anger and think about what I say before I say it. Sometimes when trying to get my point accross I might unintentionally hurt someone; I hope not. Another quote: All you owe anyone is your honesty, what they do with it is up to them. This one has gotten me through some pretty sticky situations in the recent past.

I want to go back to school for my masters degree. It seems that every time I think about it something else comes up. "My finances aren't right". "DJ needs me at home right now". ...okay, so those are the two big things that keep coming up. I will go back to school someday, but no matter what the reason, that time is not right now. I have faith that it will happen when it is supposed to.

My final, and most important goal: I want to raise a good person. Self explanatory, right?

I have other goals, some I've had for a while and some I will forget about before I go home tonight but I'm not going to drone on all day.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Oregonian's-maybe if we all close our eyes and wish real hard the sun will start to shine! Ready. Set. GO!

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