Thursday, April 7, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 6)

A Picture of Something That Makes You Happy

What is happyness?

Happyness is seeing the number on the scale go down. Happyness is feeling my "fat" pants fit me a little looser and my "fat" shirts being too big. Happyness is craving healthy food and being able to say "no thank you" to all the junk I used to neeeeeed! Happyness is looking forward to a workout and loving the feeling I get after a good sweat, then feeling the soreness the next day because I have pushed myself. Happyness is good (mostly) music to distract me, motivate me and to make the time pass quicker. Happyness is making it to workout 3 on Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (despite that bitch's best efforts to kill me I made it)! Happyness is bonding with friends (new and old) over the common goal of a healthier lifestyle; sharing healthier recipes, talking about calories burned and calories consumed and supporting each other when one of us has a bad day. Happyness is talking about, and actually being committed to, running one of the many 5k runs this beautiful city of Portland has to offer. Mostly, happyness is sharing healthy quality time with DJ and believing that I will get to enjoy her for a long time, and someday her children if she chooses to have any. I am committed to being healthy. At one time that scared me and I felt like I would be missing out on so much... now it just makes me happy.

The items in this picture might not be the actual picture of happyness, but what each item does for my body, my well being, my self-esteem and my attitude... makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like fun...I might give it a try. I am glad you are happy, it makes me happy to see my friends happy. Happiness for me is being blessed with friends like YOU! Muah!
