Wednesday, April 6, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 5)

A Song to Match Your Mood-Nostalgic (Daydream Believer-The Monkees)

I know, I know. So many of you are thinking, "Rose is too young to be 'nostalgic' over The Monkees". Well let me tell you. I am NOT too young to be nostalgic over The Monkees re-runs.

What has got me feeling so nostalgic, you ask? Well, only one of my favorite people in the wold wide world! When I was a kid and I visited my family in Texas during my summer vacations I got to spend a ton of time with my cousin, A. It was rough going to for me and A at first-pretty sure we might have-maybe-hated each other for a minute. Truly, that period of time is pretty foggy in my memory and I remember all of the fun, often silly times we had and the many, many, many hours we spent watching (and quoting) the Monkees. A and I have recently reconnected on FB and have been sharing a few of our memories of our grandmother. So... the nostalgia has set in. Some other things I learned to appreciate while spending time with A:

-Cheesecake (I had never had it before hanging with her)
-Old movies (Love me some Tony Curtis)
-Satisfaction (the movie) (all the dips are dancin'-one of my favorite quotes to this day)
-Accessorizing (which I still don't practice much, but I get it)
-Why the south is so fabulous
-Roller skating
-Family (I have a lot of it, but not close with many members)
-Live Concerts (The Monkees was my first concert, yes they were a bit older by the time I saw them... but they still rocked-I don't care what you say)!
-Head, the movie (yes, more Monkees)

Mostly what I remember is laughing.

A is a southern belle, she's crafty and creative. I am a northern tree hugging, animal loving, liberal. In truth, we were both pretty set in our ways and were probably who were destined to become by the time we met; yet somehow we overcame our differences and learned to appreciate them.

A and I both have girls, hers is almost 10, mine 12. We both share stories of our childhood with our girls, both of our girls are just like their mothers. Assuming they ever get the chance to hang out like we did... it could be reeeally good or reeeally bad. I choose to believe they would get to know each other, love each other and appreciate each other differences.

I love you A; I miss you and I'm so happy we've reconnected. You are my sister.

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