Wednesday, April 20, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 14)

A letter to someone who has hurt you

I've take a brief break from blogging because I really had to think about this one. I was going to do it and I even started it. Then I decided that I didn't want to spend time writing about (to) someone that forces me to focus on the negative. Then I heard something on the radio that had me all gung ho and ready to go ahead and do this thang. Now I just have this to say:

I have been hurt by people in my life, I have also been the one to hurt others. I have spent a lot of time over the course of the last year thinking about what I want from life and what kind of people I want in my life. I have done a lot of growing as a person and have weeded out those individuals that don't quite meet my standard of friendship. People who tried to enforce their standards on me, people who do not respect-or even like-the positive changes I have been making.

As I said, I've hurt people too. I can honestly say that I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't intentionally hurt anyone. That being said... If you try to make me feel bad for doing what I think is necessary in order for me to be the best person I can... you gots to go. Plain and simple. It's nothing personal, wait-maybe it is. I will not live my life trying meet someone else's definition of a good friend, good mom, good person. I am me, I love me, in order to be happy I can only be me.

1 comment:

  1. I like that one, it is true. A person should always be what they want to be not what someone else wants them to be. Only you can do you!
