Monday, April 4, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 3)

Your First Love

Hmmm... are we talking puppy love? That first just figuring it out love? Grown up, we're ready to get married and have babies love? I will answer all three, or at least two out of three.

1) Puppy love. I was working at Burger King, maybe a junior in high school, and my good friend D walked in with his cousin J. J had just moved to Portland from Texas and was all tall and mocha skinned goodness. He was fiiiiiiiine! We had a two year on again-off again high school romance. This was the first boy I REALLY liked that REALLY liked me back. I would stay at his house on weekends (I slept on the cough upstairs with my friend and he in his basement bedroom. Believe it or not there was no creepin'), he would come to my school to visit me (I went to Douglas, he went to Cleveland) and spent a lot of time together whenever we could. His family was (is) fabulous and it was easy. It was a high school romance though, we were young and immature and trying to figure things out. After I left Oregon we would hang out when I came home and I run into him every couple of years or so. In case you're wondering, he still looks damn good and you can tell him I said so! :)

2) Figuring it out. I will not waste too much time on this one. I'll just say I was 18 and he was 22. He came into my life twice and the second time I was quickly reminded why it didnt' work out the first time. This one was very unhealthy and I learned a lot about myself.

3) Grown up love. I have to say it. The "baby daddy". He treated me well, was responsible and just a good person. I was still young, and he was even younger, but looking back I feel it was a good relationship. We had the baby but not the marriage. He's a fabulous dad and even though we argue and often don't agree with each others point of view we have a decent thing going on. We were 21 (him) and 24) when DJ was born and we just grew apart. I still love him as my daughters dad, but anyone that knows him don't go telling him I'm still in love with him because that is NOT the case. I care for him very much, let's not get any sh*t started here people.

That is all! Good day sir! (Said in the voice of Fez)

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